2013年9月27日 星期五

Digital games - But are they art?

1.      What do we think about art?

In our opinion the most important features of art are: art should have aesthetic values and be in a special way beautiful at the same time art should have a purpose and should convey a message, should be narrative and bring people together. Art should be touching and produce feelings into the audience and be interactive. The artist should be expressing specific thoughts and values and should be something that people would remember.

2.      Art should have contents ideas , utility and save ability

We divide the types of games into two parts, the ones who posses aesthetic values and are interactive and have specific purpose and give a message, also they could have a role into our history, those ones could be considered as art, however the other type of games are the ones who are designed just for pleasure and fun and they are completely commercial and they have no purpose and rather meaningless, also they have a bad impact on people’s life those are the ones we classify as non-possessing artistic values.

